The Fun with Chess Learning System®
By Youth Development Systems, Inc – 800-906-9759 Ext 1
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The Fun with Chess Learning System is an online learning environment that allows students to learn, practice and play chess. Lessons are taught by the YDS team of animated instructors who relate chess strategies to the real world, providing a deep conceptual understanding.
Countries whose students are ranked the highest in math and science aptitude include chess training in their early grade curriculum. The US does not include chess training in its early curriculum and US students rank near the bottom in math and science aptitude. Research indicates that students who have had chess training score 17% higher on standardized tests versus 4% higher for students with other types of supplemental mentoring.
Fun with Chess is available to students 24/7 and has special features for students with learning disabilities. The Fun with Chess Learning System is highly scalable. Fun with Chess may be purchased by a parent for one child or by a school district for students in multiple classes and schools.
Studies have shown that a minimum of 30 hours of chess training can dramatically improve a student’s academic performance in school and have a lifelong impact on their professional success. So, take this opportunity to sign your student up today and watch how they develop.
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